Posts Tagged ‘illegal immigrants


page 16: deport the lazy people

If you’ve read enough of my blog, you already know I’m all about the hustlers of the world. The people willing to bust their asses on a daily basis on the grind to get what they desire. So what I’m about to say shouldn’t be all the shocking. I say we start deporting lazy U.S. citizens to Mexico in a trade for a hard working Mexican. I’m going to lay some points out there to get my point across.

First, I’ve heard countless people say how hard and fast Mexicans get their labor work done. For example, only taking about 7 hours to finish a roofing job. Come on, how many people have complained about an American spreading that out over a few days? I know I’ve seen it happen to my family. Sure, sometimes you get shotty work done from a suspected illegal worker, but what do you expect from someone getting underpaid?

Second, what kind of jobs do you think an illegal worker wants? Easy, any one they can find. Does anyone really want to spend their life as a janitor or doing labor? Nope. Not me. It is not that it’s an undesirable job, it’s just that we want more for a career. Sure, they may take some of our entry-level jobs but if we really want those jobs, do something crazy like out work someone for once. I’ve spent too many days working with people who only do the bare minimum to get by instead of putting 150% into their job to succeed and climb the ladder.

“The best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words, ‘work hard’.”

Randy Pausch “The Last Lecture”

Third, what is the big deal about getting work done for cheap? We already send a ridiculous amount of jobs overseas because it is cheaper to do. Why don’t we just keep the jobs here in the States instead? We are being hypocritical in thinking that we shouldn’t let illegals work here for cheap when we already let other countries do our work for cheap. We already give “American” jobs away for cheap without illegal workers taking them directly.

Finally, I think America needs a jump-start in some way. I firmly believe we are getting too lazy and too comfortable with our status as a “World Superpower.” We need some internal competition to get this country back to our status as world leader. We need to get our country back to hustling and pushing the envelope in all industries before we are overrun by other countries, ahem China. Open the flood gates of Mexico and start interviews at the border. Make people want to do quality work at a quicker rate. It’s like in the movie Miracle. Coach Brooks brought in a few players deep into the Olympic team tryouts not because he wanted to replace players. He just wanted the current players to know that there were other people out there who wanted their spot just as much as they did. What he got from that was a harder working, more team oriented group of individuals.

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value”

Thomas Paine

Now is the tipping point in our society. Bring in the troops and make the common man fight for his spot. Force individuals to earn their spot in the work force instead of letting them assume a spot that they feel entitled to. In the end, I think this will all turn out in the best interest of America. Because I know, if I was a foreign nation looking at America I would respect us more if we were a country full of hard-workers than a bunch of entitled Paris Hilton’s. Let’s turn the country from the few, proud hard-workers to 100% hard workers. Be American, work American.

“Nothing in this world worth having comes easy.”

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